Thursday, February 4, 2010

hejola report for 02042010

Hejola report for 02042010.
Kingsville,TX. Hi I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio Funeral home asked to close down.
Barrio man shot by mistake in gang related activity.
And finally, 2 immigrants found working for the city.
If things couldn’t get worse for our hood que they were fined a small fee for hiring 2 immigrants to do patch work on our barrio streets. My god says one barrio resident, dang man I could be doing that type of work. I can’t understand why our city employees would go and do this illegal hiring. By the way the two immigrants were taken across the tracks to be deported and city’s street patching project has come to a haul. The new barrio and city manager says que they will be hiring two more barrio folks to finish the job. Besides the fee assessed to the city, charges are pending con the city hiring person for hiring illegals.
Ben Olson Moreno was at the wrong place at the wrong time, says el constable cadena when he was shot at least ten times. This all happened at the corner of third and wells late last night. It seems that Mr. Moreno looked so much like the vato the only gang in the hood was looking for. It seems that the only gang in the hood shot Moreno by mistake and did realize it, so they took him to the Westinghouse barrio mall St. Paul’s medical center and dropped him off. Charges are pending concerning this shooting.
And finally, what seemed like a darn good idea but I guess the book keeping wasn’t, that is the case of Westinghouse barrio mall funeral home when it was shut down yesterday morning by some important looking men from across the track called themselves feds. Base on our investigation the funeral home was not keeping record of those folks answering to their ad where you could purchase prepaid funeral arrangements. More details will be released sometime this week.
Ok raza there we have it and awaiting the return of our old pal Pancholin Carretas con his vacation report. Chinga.

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