Monday, February 8, 2010

hejola report for 02082010

Hejola report for 02082010.
New Orleans, La. Hello again raza Como estan, I am Veronica La Lesbian and we are still up from getting down here in New Orleans. Chingos de gente and chingos de winners. But talking about winners let go to our award winning headline news:
5 barrio members arrested at Super Bowl party at two ton of fun bar.
Deadliest time to drive in the hood is noon time.
And finally, county fair brings lots of sadness in the hood.
You might remember the article we wrote a few months ago about several barrio FFA members losing their fair project when someone actually stole 5 show pigs and then were arrested for slain the poor little piggies. Well this weekend at the closing of this year’s county fair, county fair officials donated 5 more pigs to those kids that were unable to show their projects due to their bad luck. Hector Cortez county fair official told us que this new 5 pigs would give those kids a brand new shot at next year’s county fair show. That’s if their luck don’t run out.
Yes says el constable cadena, we do have a large drinking problems in the hood and especially around noon time everyday of the week. This year we have arrested more than 30 folks drinking while drinking, plus have had 55 speeding while driving, and 158 have been fined for not wearing their seat belts. We hope que the community gets the word que we are out to get you.
Well it seems that gambling illegal is alive and well here in the hood says el constable cadena after he was called to a fight that had broken out at the “two tons of fun” bar. It seem that the bar had a football pot going and for some reason or another paid out some money until the game officials reviewed the play an gave the two points to the saints and that changed the score. So the bar wanted its money back to be able to pay out the real winners with the real score. Well that didn’t go down n to go con the first winners who had already bought several rounds of drinks when the bar wanted its money back. A fight broke out between the first winners and the real winners. 5 were arrested along with the owner of the two tons.
Well there you have it folks, I am on my way back to Kingsville from the party scene here in New Orleans.

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