Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Exclusive interview con CARLOS GUZMAN, 2011.
Mission, Tx. I am Santa la que canta Cecilia, so nervous about doing this interview today. It is hard to describe how one feels when one is given the opportunity to interview a man who has been in the entertaining business for over five decades. I am referring to none other than, Mr. Carlos Guzman. Again here is this historical documentary.

Sc: gee Mr. Guzman you are so much taller than I thought you were. Mr. Guzman, I hate to bother you with this pero before we get started, will you please help me off my bicycle? Es que me duele la rodilla. I fell in the monte on my ride down here porque an 18 wheeler passed me up and the winddraft pushed me off the highway. Thank you sir

CG: Your welcome.

SC: is it easy being the legendary Carlos Guzman, a proud, sincere man who has dedicated his life to himself, family and his fans ?

CG: yes, it is. Coming from very humble beginnings, I have to say that fame and good fortune was received with grace, perhaps because it was God’s will.

SC: Mr. Guzman, you've accomplished so much these past 5 decades, can you tell us what other achievements you would like to obtain?

CG: My staff and I just completed a project, the website It never occurred to me the importance of the internet, until recently, my now Manager, Paul Westbrook told me “you must leave a legacy” if anything for your family and fans. At the moment we are writing my life story in a book which we hope to publish by the end of the year.

SC: You've been through and seen so much over the years? Would you mind sharing some of those memorable moments with us?

CG: There has been so many that it would be hard to mention them all. I’ll share one in particular “The Golden Globe Awards” in Los Angeles, California. This was given to entertainers who excelled that particular year in the entertainment business, mainly singers. It was quite a moment in my life for I was one of the recipients.

The event was titled “El Globo De Oro” in 1976, by the way it was the only year that event took place because it was conflicting with the American Golden Globe Awards which are still being awarded to date. Another memorable moment that stays in my mind is when I was given the opportunity to act in a movie titled “Los Siete Proscritos” in Mexico City. The leading actor was the legendary “David Reynoso”, which I consider to be my padrino in the movie industry.

I could elaborate a lot of what took place during the filming, but it would take forever. However, it was truly something that motivated me to continue and diversify my career.

Sc: what would you tell a young person interested in starting his or her own musical career?

CG: Now a days, if you’ll notice the exposure the artist is given through the media, be it television and/or radio, I believe it is more demanding. There are many factors that should be considered, voice, looks, and above all grace and being original, to me is very crucial. After considering all these attributes, ask yourself is this for me? For it is not easy. Sometimes luck has a major role.

SC: how difficult and what cost does a person’s relationship with his family and friends have once you devote your entire adult life to the music business?

CG: You lose the sense of what the holidays were about, sharing birthdays…that’s for starters, think for a minute. Five decades of Carlos Guzman traveling half of the world and not have had the time, make that quality time with family and friends. The career was very demanding, I don’t regret it for I think it all has a reason. Perhaps even God’s will.

SC: what major changes have happened in the music business since you started your career in the early 60’s?

CG: Many changes. To mention a few, the disco era, country music boom, Gilley’s etc.. Radio was very supportive to all genres of music and as time went on and changes in the different styles of music was happening, the radio waves supporting some of our music was gradually declining and heading to different directions, norteno, durangense, banda, salsa, merengue and the list goes on and on.

Some of us feel that we have to resort to the internet to get exposure and have our music listened to. So I have to close this particular segment by asking your readers not allow our music heritage fade out.

SC: as we all know, “Vesitida de Blanco” is one of your most popular hits. Is it safe to say that this was the song that boosted your career in the music industry, and why do you think it was such a phenomenal hit for you?

CG: Yes, “Vestida De Blanco” has been my banner song for decades. I have to thank E.J. Ledesma, my best friend and composer of the song as well as a man that cannot recall his name, but wrote the story on the back of the album which by the way was a fictious story but people actually believed it.
So when the album sold like crazy, people would come up to me at the dances and show me their support regarding the story because it was a sad story (not) hellooo. As the years went by people still come up to me and ask if “Did that really happen to you Carlos?”

SC: working so long in the music business, has there ever come a time when Carlos Guzman just wanted to call it quits?

CG: Actually, I did quit for a while. It happened in the 80’s when I collapsed of exhaustion after a performance. I went for a physical and it was determined that I was overdriving myself with my career so I decided to give it up. Understand this, we were working A LOT and it wasn’t fun anymore, it was very demanding.
So I sold my vehicles and equipment, some of it I gave away and dedicated myself to my office which I always had, administrating a big publishing company helping composers from all walks of life. Later, because of the continuous requests from great promoters throughout and convincingly got me back to my calling, but at a different pace. I was more selective with my calendar dates and venues, so, here I am, still enjoying it.

SC: your career has taken you all over the world sir, can you name some of the places your music career has taken you in the last 50 years?

CG: Basically, it’s been two countries Mexico and the United States.

SC: tells us a little bit about the times you appeared in some Spanish Soap Operas and movies and some of the stars you worked with over the years.?

CG: The only soap opera that I acted on that originated in Mexico City in the late 60’s was “El Intruso” which was televised out of Televicentro which collapsed during the earthquake and all archives, films, etc. were lost.

As for movies “Los Siete Proscritos” leading actor David Reynoso, Fernando Casanova, Eric Del Castilo others and myself. Another movie followed, “El Pocho” written and directed by Lalo Gonzalez “El Piporro” the leading actor, Lucha Villa, myself and other lesser known actors. I also had the opportunity to work in a movie made for television “300 Miles for Stefanni” which by the way was the beginning of Edward James Olmos movie career in which he had the leading role.

I had a very small part, but what a moment in my life. Tony Orlando was in the film as well and I can’t recall the rest of the cast. More recently I starred in a movie called “El Segundo”, a production company out of New York that did the shooting in the woods of Alice, TX as well as Three Rivers, San Diego and Corpus Christi, TX.

It’s a great movie and is for sale on line. Alana De La Garza (who now is a regular in Law and Order) and the legendary Pedro Almendariz Jr. and a bunch of new actors and of course, me. In 2007 I also starred in a wonderful story line the movie “Broken Promise” a south Texas Story. Currently this film has only been seen in two major markets the Rio Grande Valley and Houston. It is being considered for the upcoming film festivals. Check out the poster on my website

SC: what can we expect from Carlos Guzman in 2011?

CG: Well, my new staff and manager have a lot of projects upcoming that includes what I believe is going to be called “My Solo Tour”, subtitled “My Way”. Plans are being put in place to do the Casino circuit throughout and continue to hopefully delight people with new recordings that will be featured on my website.

SC: I've heard that you've also sang gospel music. Is this true, and if so, can you give us a little bit of insight on your inspiratation for cantando gospel music?

CG: Its been the best experience, after over 40 albums of different genres of music. Personally, the best, for it has brought me a lot of great experiences with so many great people throughout that fills my heart and soul with nothing but the best feeling.

SC: Mr. Guzman I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the heart of my mother and father who were your greatest fans, for allowing us to do this interview. I am sure my parents would be proud of me and thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to meet with us.

CG: The pleasure is mine and I hope that I did justice to this, “your” project and of course send your parents a big hello and give them a big hug, not only from you but from me as well. And for your readers, all the prosperity and well wishes from what I think has been one of your best lol music provider.

SC: now Mr. Guzman can you give me a hand back on this bicycle and show me which way is hwy 281 North?

CG: Sure, it’s going to be a long ride! Oh, by the way how far north, hope its not Alaska! Where Sarah Palin used to be boss.

SC: yea real funny, gee as I peddle down the highway and think back in time to when I was a child listening to Mr. Guzman with my parents, and I wonder where the years have gone. I would have never guessed that that 40+ years later I would have been given the honor of meeting this nice, kind man. I am Santa la que canta Cecilia.

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