Tuesday, June 23, 2015

hejola afternoon barrio report for 06232015

Hejola afternoon barrio report for 06232015.


Kingsville, texas. Hello raza how are, how about them cowboys? Now for our afternoon report:

Vato beat up with his plastic leg again.

Barrio falls into fiscal cliff for 2033

And increase of taquchas for this year.

Barrio members are preparing themselves for the worse this coming summer. After barrio and city and county and state leaders failed to act on a budget resolution has force barrio members to dig deep into their savings. In addition some barrio members are eating their reserves food saved for harder times. Some barrio members are hurting real bad and might be forces to eat their pets, family members and stop drinking and smoking and other odd things barrio members do when hard times hit the hood. Hope thing get better by the end of 2033.

Yesterday el constable was asked to come to the corner of third and wells where a man with only one leg had gotten beat up. When the constable got there he found Jesse Ventura knocked out and lying in the middle of the street next to his plastic leg. The constable told us que this is the same man that had lost his leg before and found it when he fell in a ditch a few months ago. Once the man came around he told the constable que it was the same three men who stole his leg before that beat him up with this darn leg. If you know anything about this let us know.


The barrio animal control folks have informed us que the number of taquchas has increased for the same time last year. El senor Juan Munoz told us que at this time last year we had only caught 150 taquchas compared to the 375 taquchas  caught already. Mr. Munoz say que its going to be a long hot summer.
Ok raza if you see that taqucha on the street, run its butt over, good day.

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