Tuesday, June 2, 2015

hejola afternoon report for 06022016

Hejola afternoon report for 06022015.


Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am Veronica la lesbian con today’s first afternoon edition of our awarding barrio headline news:

Real barrio Christians file suit against other Christians.

Barrio gays rally around Esta vato loco running for county judge.

And now some kind of good news.

As we approach the 2016 election year we encourage barrio members to support your local folks and make sure that you vote for the right person and for the right reasons.  Many of us don’t even realize how bad things are now and how good things have been up to now. So don’t blow it by voting for the wrong person and then blame them gay for folks. But just to be fair you can always blame it on a relative, x wife or just folks that you don’t like. Blame then for this mess.

Esta vato Loco who is a barrio city representative told us que he was going to run for county judges and wanted all the gay Tejanos both in and outside the closet to come out and vote for him and he promises that he won’t blame gays for bad weather, high electric bills, increase in food cost, all the wars in world, flat tires on cars, trucks, tractors and even bicycles and bad choices that many made due to gay folks. Yes a vote for ESTA VATO LOCO IS A VOTE FOR YOUR TUTU.

It things weren’t bad already with a ton of folks running for president having to deal with god for the next 18 months, than this shouldn’t come as a surprise.  Well the church of “la Alley de God” told this reporter que they were going to sue the heck out of that other church across the street named “For god we stand” for posting more than 100 forgive me god, help me god, lead me god, don’t turn your back on me god, be rich soon says god, pray for god, and for god sake when will it be over and so on. The one church believes que there should be a limit on how many times a person can ask for forgives within a 24 hour period on the barrio network system. I guess we just can’t get enough of that man can’t we?

Please understand we are just make believe news and if you believe any of this chit, man you are a bigger moron than I am.

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