Thursday, November 12, 2015

hejola report for 11122015



Hejolia report for 11122015.


Kingsville, texas. hello raza I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio clashes with increase of fake wigs left behind at bars.

Westside candidates concern about vetting.

And now some good news.

We have gotten a ton of one complaint about the yesterday posting about that one legged veteran that donated his wooden leg to the man that stole it because he got a new one yesterday, turned out to be false. It seems que when the awards were getting out, the one legged veteran didn’t get his new leg due to the fact que it was back logged on the shipping and wouldn’t get it till maybe near Christmas of this year. So the one legged veteran asked the one legged thief to give his leg back and promise to give it back to him when the new one gets here. Both men agreed que they were going to share that one leg on a weekly bases. Wow what a wonderful world. God bless our veterans!

At a future leadership program held yesterday at our barrio community center, the topic was” Vetting and are you prepared for it”? El Senor Wally wally Wallaces, a barrio political advisor told the group of ten men and ten woman and a combination of twenty dogs, cats and some farm animals que if you planned on running for office in the near future que YOU must be prepared for a full inspection, screening, examining, evaluating, assessing, and who knows what else will occur about your past and your future. By the time he finished his lecture only five dogs and two cats were still present at his presentation.  El senor told us que he was very surprise que only a few still wanted to learn more about how to get into politics after he went over some of the thing that might happen if you decide to run for office!

Yesterday afternoon the new manager of the only gay Tejano bar ‘two tons of fun” told a group of bar owners, who by the way meet ever Tuesday que they were worried que too many of their customers were leaving fake wigs and all sort of fake hair found in their bar bathrooms.  We are worried que too many folks either don’t know que they left their fake hair behind or some are trying to plug up bar’s toilets. Each bar owners has agreed to come up with a policy that would require customers only some much hair in their bars. Pellon!

Ok raza don’t forget to vote at the Arizona 2015 Hoodie awards for  Chicano Tv Media outlet .

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