Thursday, November 19, 2015

hejola report for 11192015


Hejola report for 11192015.


Kingsville, Texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio residents paranoid about folks from across the tracks.

No more new folks wanted here.

And now some darn bad news.

We live in modern day America, wouldn’t you say. Let’s look at it this way, we live in the year 2015, and have the mentally of pre WW Two. How damaging is that to our present society you ask? Just listen to Fux News. Fear has always been the key stone to many who don’t know better, but then we live in pre WW Two, what would you expect?

Some barrio apartment owners and folks wanting to rent their homes out have all agreed not to rent any of their properties to folks that don’t look Hispanic. It’ hard to determine who they are now a days but if we spot one of them, they are not wanted here and will have no place to live says one of the home owners.  After the meeting all five home owns and two apartment owners felt better now that someone had listened to them. By the way the meeting ended due to the fact that the day care center they were speaking at cares for children under the age of 5 had to close, once all the children had left.

Yesterday barrio leaders and a handful of barrio residents were mad and were willing to protest a new mall project to be built on our side of the tracks that would attract folks from all over especially the ones from across the tracks. Several barrio resident felt que they folks need to stay over there and build their own mall, we just don’t want them here, who know what they might do if they cross the tracks. As a matter of fact one of the protesters said que they were going to ruin more things like before.  After someone asked what they had ruined before, the protester said he/she couldn’t remember what they did but did promise they would do it again!

Ok raza make sure that bunker you have has at least enough food for two days.

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