Friday, November 13, 2015

hejola report for 11132015

Hejola report for 11132015.


Kingsville, Texas, hello again I am David Polar Bear Duran con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Local politicians give no brainer answer to simple question.

Barrio own tea party “let me put the finger on you” drops lawsuit against mother in law.

And now some more or less good news.

It is a sad day when barrio members regardless black, white and beige that believe that by supporting those that want to bring more harm to our hood Is for the betterment of our hood and talking about less education and less health services is really going to bring more harm to them. Look and yes there are some folks that do depend on food stamps and other assistance, believe they do and why cut them off and hoping that their life will be better off when it’s a proven fact it cause more harm, so why are there some many going along con this nonsense. Burns the hell out of me.. why?

Ben Diaz a local vato running for office stopped by our office for an exclusive interview on his positions on certain barrio issues. The question was what about the replacement of city lights on our side of the tracks. He stated” you see Christmas brings lots of happiness in the hood and really all over the world, in our present status our present leaders have utilized the best they can do by putting up Christmas decorations from the 1960’s in place on new lights, if I am elected I would for sure replace them old Christmas lights with the ones that I have found out are still in storage from 1970’s. So all and all if I am elected for sure we will do those major improvements to our barrio…. Ok..dang .

Yesterday barrio Justice of the Peace El ojo Barrio private eye dropped a lawsuit that was filed back in 1998 against la Senoria Maria Hernandez   by our own barrio tea party “let me put the finger on you” leader Russel Ruffs Redneck , who by the way was his mother in law. The law suit came about when Maria helped la commadre Sofia Garza wrap and fill tamales at her home for that year’s Christmas family gathering. It seems que Maria had label tamales wrong whereas beans were beef and beef were pork tamales and pork were bean tamales, well low and behold ole Russel ate a whole dozen of them beef tamales that were really pork who by the way was alleged to pork was in the hospital near death for about several weeks. That’s where the law suit started. But thing will be ok says el ojo, due to the fact que Maria passed away yesterday and no longer will need to sue her.

Ok raza have a great Tejano weekend.

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