Tuesday, February 3, 2015

hejola report for 02032015

Hejola report for 02022015.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello I am David Polar Beer Duran con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio super bowling, gambling at its highest ever!
Crazy people increase for 2014....
And now so darn good news.
Elected official are deciding to ask for the state and government for more handouts in helping keep people fed and healthy. Our government one of the riches in the world can try and solve worldwide problems, but have issues we our own. Look in our case we have hard working people in the hood and many have families .Lots of them are not asking for handouts we just want a fair share to stay alive so we can find work and pay our own way. Yet it is sad when 73 percent of the barrio have full time jobs qualified for food stamps. Bless your heart.
My god what is going on in the hood? How many more crazies’ can we handle says a case worker at the barrio community center? In 2014, we saw the largest increase of self-declared crazy’s that wanted some help or wanted to be locked up. But in the long run those that were seeking help are still out there. She gave us one example of a woman this pasted weekend wanted to start her live over due to the fact that she hated the way she lived and the thing she was doing. As she screamed, and cried for help somehow managed to ask to see if she could borrow $20 for her pain.
All barrio members gamble once in a while but when it comes to some special games there is no limit to how much they are willing to put out and in some cases never win. Look the game was on and all the eyes in the hood were looking at the score at the end of each quarter. This year 4-4 was a winner plus 5 added to this bash. My god says a person it was a miracle! So now we all can rest for a while even though the light bill can wait, cell phone cut off, no gas for a while, short on the rent, no drugs or beer, or those wild night for at least till next pay day. But there’s always bingo.
Ok raza have a great day and stay cool

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