Tuesday, July 28, 2015

howdy hejola afternoon report for 07282015

Howdy hejola afternoon report for 07282015.


Kingsville,TX, hello partner how are we doing today, I am Country Pancho, with today’s afternoon barrio award winning headline news:

2014 crime was up in the hood.

An increase of persons separated or divorcees for 2014,

And finally, an decrease of deaths in the hood 2015.


It seems que 2014 was a prime example that many young people


are willing to move for a better way of living, based on a study


done by our own Maria la vandia. More than 10 percent of the


residents aging from 17 to 23 moved this past year to a better


hood or town the study indicated. The study also indicated que 22


percent of the la Raza aging from 24 to 46 moved more than 100


miles from the hood and only 10 percent came back this year.


And finally the study indicated que 100 percent of the persons


interviewed were willing to move but didn’t have the resources or


a car to get to that new location. Barrio leaders will hold a special


meeting to review this study and develop ways to keep people in the hood.

In other news, what does tiger woods, and other famous people


have in common con our la Raza? They love to mess around. In


many cases this extra martial activities lead up to either getting


separated or divorce. Well that was the case in the hood


this pasted 2014. There was a 52 percent increase of


separations and a 23 percent increase of divorces this past year


in the hood, making 2014 a year not to forget. But there was a


good foot note to this matter. At least 10 percent of both got back


together during Christmas time.

And finally the worse category was the increase of death in the


hood. Many of these deaths were accidents and a few killed but


there was a large increase of death pets based on that report que


Maria la vandia did. Si Raza more and more Raza are doing


something to their poor little cats and dogs and birds and snakes


and chickens and turkeys and ducks and a few who knows what.


This was weird says el constable Cadena, who help put the


information together. Si, Raza, for some reason or another people


just take their frustration out on those little critters. El constable


told us que this year he will have to improve this area of security.


Ok Raza there you have it, and if you do have a little critter at


Home, don’t blame it for someone leaving your butt... have you


Hugged your pet today?

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