Thursday, March 22, 2012

the end of a era, the future of tejano movement, 2012

The end of an era, the future of Tejano movement, 2012.


Kingsville, TX. I am general fideo vermicelli con our report “ the future of Tejano Movement, 2012. I decided to start off by saying que the end of a era applies to those Tejano leaders, persons, organizations and so on that just plan give up.

Now we should be very careful on how we approach such a statement when certain Tejano so called leaders have claimed que we are a bunch of idiots!

A few persons have shared their views about this matter, and we feel que our future in la onda will continue regardless of those so called leaders claim us to be.

We should mention that we should not be confused with or subsumed to madness nor lunatic characters that we try to portray, but should be more concern with our attribute towards being honesty, trustfulness, and our kindness  towards the coverage of Tejano issues and its Tejano stars.

Now let us get to the meat of our discussion. We always get calls about tejanos that work so hard in doing things to keep la onda on track. But sometimes it’s the will power of those that are tired of working so hard but fail to see how we have progressed. I am sure that many are exhausted with the long volunteer hours and the usages of our funds to keep this pace. But the sad part is we should not measure our Tejano success but the efforts of one or two persons but the effort of the whole Tejano community.

That is why we will strive to do our idiotic thing in order to get our point out, even if it cost us some Tejano friends. You can try and make some people happy but it’s going to be darn to keep everybody happy, especially tejanos.

We are a breed of hard working individuals, that don’t take no for an answer. La onda will survive even when we relax, remain peaceful, and still. So let us not release the monster in us all at one time but let us strive together to make the notion que we do appreciate everything que individuals, groups, and self proclaimed Tejano leaders for what they have done.

We know you , and we know we can work with you  and we will.

The creator..

1 comment:

  1. anonymity .
    Next I have to say that in my humble opinion, “La Onda” has been dying because we have entrusted it to the “so called leaders” who have only been able to hold it at a plateau level. They themselves have, in fact, turned to other more lucrative ventures such as promoting other genres of music. They have developed a formula for production which has become trite and overly used. This “cookie-cutter” formula is the perfect recipe for idle movement of a culture’s music and is created by a combination of music producers and program directors in conjunction. This ideology has been created by the theory of conditioning. Mr. Pavlov taught us that a person is a container that is capable of being conditioned. A contemporary way of saying this is that people can be readily and easily “brainwashed” into believing that there is one and ONLY ONE way to achieve a certain result. In our Tejano Industry, we see this happen continuously. We have come to accept a certain sounds, that has not evolved much in the past 20 years, as the norm. Deviating from it causes criticism by the “Cookie Cutters” and emulating it causes no different results. It further becomes a vicious cycle when conditioning of the public makes the “Cookie Cutters” win the battle. Overcoming this obstacle will not become a reality until the public can make an independent assessment of new Tejano talent and support it, and not be blinded by flashy trophies or awards which have come to establish a non-evolving norm.
