Tuesday, March 6, 2012

hejola report for 03072012

Hejola report for 03072012.


Kingsville, TX. Hello bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio stock market urbano yosabatodo arrested at public hearing.

Large protest held at barrio 5 and dime store.

And finally, city and county leaders are asking why?

Well it was just a matter of time some folks here in the hood felt que the president of our great country had something to do with those high prices for laundry detergents. Yes he know darn right that he is to be blame for everything going wrong in the world, yelled out Russell ruff redneck, the leader of a barrio group “ let me put the finger on you”. Some die hard believer of our president also were present and did respond to the yell by yelling  slogans like , wash it by hand and keep it dry in the hood, obama aint got shit do with it, wash it by hand and keep it dry in the hood, obama aint got shit to with it.  After a few hours of protesting both groups went home to wash clothes. The city and county leaders will be looking into the high cost of laundry detergents.

After word qot out que our urbano yosabatodo , a very well liked guy in hood got arrested for standing up to high laundry detergent prices. After the public was informed que the owner of five and dime store, chow wow,  had punched our good friend a handful of barrio members decided to protest  the increases at his laundry mats and also have  small protest at a few stores. Extra security was called in to keep the peace. No arrests have been made up to now.

Yesterday barrio leaders held a one of a kind public hearing on the high cost of laundry detergent. One of the invited quests was our own Urbano Yosabatodo, our barrio economics specialist. During his presentation to a group of women, owners of several laundries mats and stop and go stores,  and a few barrio leaders, got into a real nasty debate started over why they the owners of this establishment had raised the cost of laundry detergent either at the laundry mats and groceries without public notice. The owner of chow wow laundry didn’t like the comments our friends was testified about and took it on his own to get up an punch urbano over the head with a bucket of laundry detergent.

It seems that chow wow didn’t appreciate  urbano’s comments stating que their 5 and 10 cent stores should be re named 3, 5 and 10 dollars store, since there wasn’t anything in there less than three dollars. The hearing was canceled and charges will be filed against all the batter  folks at the hearing.

Ok raza just for the record keep it clean..lol

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