Monday, February 23, 2009

11242008/ fatal shooting of los tres vato;s conjunto

( please note this is only make believe, if you believe any of this your are a bigger moron than I am..)Exclusive report from Westinghouse barrio mall:Fatal shoot at la cupa del barrio soccer tournament 11242208. Cchwnn.Kingsville,tx. Once again I am bill diaz back from vacation. This weekend a fatal shoot of several make believe conjunto members we shoot at the last game of the evening at to Westinghouse barrio mall cona Lozano sports complex this passed Saturday night. Now with that report lets go con Frankie tuxedo zungia.Si razz, I am Frankie tuxedio zuniga covering the sniper shooting of several conjunto members while they were playing soccer this past Saturday. The number of person shot has not been made clear yet but we do have confirmation that at least three were killed and two were wounded up to this point.Killed were two members of los tres vato’s conjunto, Eduardo vato, y eddie vato and ed vato was seriously wounded. Also killed was the leader of the band el mojado Moreno Martinez. No other member of this band were hurt.At the present time the whole barrio is under lock down and chingos de cops, narcs, y el constable con barrio task force 666 del ojo barrio private school are doing a house by house search for the sniper or snipers. It has not be made clear que anyone has been arrested or how many were involved. This is really a sad moment for the whole make believe world de los conjuntos. This is the second tragic killing of a barrio award winnier. As you might recall panzone caliente was killed a few years ago, along con el ojo junior barrio private who was doing the investigation. Those that were involved have been arrested. Again the soccer tournament has been cancelled for the rest of the games, until the sniper or persons involved in this shooting are found, located, or arrested or killed.

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