Friday, February 20, 2009

the conditions of panzone calainte pt2

Kingsville, tex.: hello I am el ojo junior barrio private eye and I am in charge of the on going investigation del shooting del barrio music award winner Panzone Caliante. We would like to introduce our barrio doctor in charge of St. Pauls medical center Dr. Chon chingo Chon.
Si thank you ojo, yo soy el doctor CHON CHINGO CHON, and I have been asked to speak on panzone’s present conditions. Here is our official statement on his conditions:
First of all let me explain what is a coma. A Coma is an extended period of unconsciousness from which a person cannot be aroused even with the most painful stimuli. Panzones injurious come from one of five guns that stuck mr. panzone caused a servere head injury.
In pazone’s case he has small caliber bullet logged in his brain. The bullet is a bit off The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Somehow the bullet entered panzone at the cranium (the top of the skull) surrounds and protects the brain. The spinal cord is surrounded by vertebrae (hollow spinal bones). Also, it seems que some muscles serve to pad and support the spine have been damaged.
The second bullet entered panzone at the right hip, right below waist and above the left leg. Now the third bullet entered the left inferior lobe - the bottom lobe of the lung on the left side of the body, and the fourth shoot hit his liver and the fifth bullet entered and exited his left foot.
So as you can see mr. panzone has lots of injurious and we are waiting to see if panzone will come out of this coma. Most comas do not last longer than four weeks. The bullet is not causing any bleeding yet, in a coma shift to a persistent vegetative state, in which panzone’s breathing, maintaining normal blood pressure, digesting and eliminating foods continues without the patient's awareness.
We are hoping que panzone will begin to emerge from this coma. However, to regain consciousness, both reactivity and perceptivity must be present. Reactivity and perceptivity are necessary for a state of awareness. It is often the case that some parts of perceptivity such as speech and self care must be relearned. And just for your information, Statistic tell us que Every ten minutes head injury claims the life of another child and Head trauma is the number one cause of death and disability among people between the ages of 1 and 44., and finally About 5% to 10% of all coma patients are incapable of conscious behavior, and end up vegetative, which most of the public think of as prolonged coma.
That is all I have for now, I am dr. chon chingo chon head doctor here at our st pauls medical center. Ok and I am el ojo barrio private eye. We will continue to provide la raza con information pertaining to our barrio hero. You know that hero’s never ever die. I am el ojo junior barrio private eye. And our slogan : I don’t want to solve your problem I want to be part of the problem.
_________________your business is our businee and my business is none of your business

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